

Rant Archive


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About Section!

Alright everyone, this is where you can come to find out about the who, what, when, how, why, and where of this comic.

Who: Jeff Powell (previously) of Left-over Sushi, Molly Harris, and Mark Swank. You can also add Brent in there now.

Jeff a.k.a. "A the Shague": Was the computer monkey of Left-over Sushi, but got bored of the lack of work going on on the artist's side. He decided that he needed a team of geeks that could turn out a fresh new comic. Now, this is what we got.

Mark Swank a.k.a. "Pockner": He' the guy with the beard. I'm here to tell you guys about kac (pronounced cake). It's kinda of like pi only it's kac. Kac equals 1 divided by zero. It was invented by Jeff Powell and Kyle McCrocklin in second Tri Algebra II Honors class at PHHS. You can use kac to solve imaginary problems like 7 = 5254. Multiply both sides of the equation by kac. 7/0 =5254/0. 7/0 is 7kac. 7kac = kac. 5254kac = 7kac = 1/0 (which is kac). Got it? Didn't think so. The words in parentheses can (not) be ignored.

What: A comic about high school life for geeks. Some comics may seem random, some have a coherent story. Hopefully, all will have you laughing.

When: The idea came in February of 2005, and the comic was launched 5-17-2005.

How: With some help from comicgenesis.

Why: Because it is fun and cool and we need something to do in our spare time.

Where: Why did I put a where section? Ok. Molly draws it where ever she is and then Brent does all the digital work in his magic castle. The file is sent to Jeff, where he updates the website and uploads the comic. Don't ask about guest strips.

And there you have it. Any other questions can be directed to the contact page and after I get questions, I can create an FAQ, because let's face it, if no questions have been asked, there are no frequently asked questions.

All comics copyright M. Harris or the artist that drew them. Characters and situations copyright J. Powell and M. Swank. Website layout copyright J. Powell. All guest comics retain their copyright while allowing us to use the comics. Whatever.

So I'm totally using this awesome thing called ComicGenesis. They totally let me host this site for free with unlimited space and bandwidth.