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Jeff "the Shague" Powell


check this out

das w00t! I finally got a computer I can use legally for illegal purposes! At least that is how I look at it. I got my mom's old computer (900 mhz duron compaq box of teh suck). This is actually the box I used before it went down in a flaming ball of glory. I have resurrected it and now I'm using to resurrect this site. I'm glad to be able to do this again and I'm so sorry to you all for not giving updates at least in the form of news. Please forgive me. So much has gone on since I last updated that I don't really feel like ranting much. Hope you all enjoy the upcoming comics, and enjoy the end to this line.

Thought of the <now>: even if your computer isn't teh awesome, you can still use it to stick it to the man!

The Shague uses Fire Fox to surf the internet.

Get Firefox!

He also uses an illegal copy of Microsoft Frontpage to stick it to the man.

Teh 7-11

Image processor

<haven't gotten anything as of yet>

All comics copyright M. Harris or the artist that drew them. Characters and situations copyright J. Powell and M. Swank. Website layout copyright J. Powell. All guest comics retain their copyright while allowing us to use the comics. Whatever.

So I'm totally using this awesome thing called ComicGenesis. They totally let me host this site for free with unlimited space and bandwidth.